Xira Do Retiro Lusitano mare ridden at
This image represents Xira at her peak physical condition at the Baroque Games
in 2013. We are currently working with Xira to return her to this best
athletic form and performance.

Xira Do Retiro Lusitano mare ridden by young woman

Xira Do Retiro Lusitano mare ridden by young woman

Xira Do Retiro Lusitano mare ridden by young woman

Xira Do Retiro Lusitano mare ridden by young woman

Xira Do Retiro Lusitano mare standing Don-E-Mor

DEM Latte con Leche buckskin Lusitano horse Don E Mor

DEM Fresca bay Lusitano horse Don E Mor

DEM Maximus bay Lusitano gelding trotting

DEM Xarrie bay Lusitano mare trotting

headshot of DEM Leon de Regalo dark bay Lusitano colt standing

DEM Xiradora cremelo Lusitano yearling filly standing in grass with another horse

DEM Luna Bailaor Lusitano filly standing in a field